Kristy Chan, Principal

Diana Gautier, Assistant Principal
PS 98Q - The Douglaston School

A National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence
"Today we lead our students, tomorrow our students will lead the world."
About PS 98

Welcome to PS 98, The Douglaston Schoo1, a 2016 National Blue Ribbon School!
Nestled in the picturesque Douglaston historic landmark community, P.S.98Q is a unique community school that sets apart from many NYC schools.
At P.S.98Q, our vision is to educate, develop, and nurture students to become future global leaders. We believe that to attain the necessary qualities to succeed in the 21st century, education must go beyond academic excellence and that a multi-faceted, comprehensive approach to education is required.
Our students are taught to become independent thinkers and communicators through a school-wide utilization of visual tools to organize, communicate and problem-solve across all disciplines. Academic vocabulary and conversation are highlighted. Literacy skills are strengthened through blended learning. Inquiry-based Science exploration fosters students’ natural curiosity and creativity. Multidisciplinary STEAM learning is enriched through collaboration with community organizations, including The Douglaston Little Neck Historical Society, Alley Pond Environmental Center, Douglaston Wetland Project, Ashcan Art and Midori programs, allowing students to learn about and become active participants in their community’s history, architecture, and natural wetlands ecosystem preservation efforts.
Education is extended through an after-school program that provides opportunities for students to enhance their learning beyond the academic day. The program offers various activities such as keyboard, theater, art, cooking, social game play, chess, sports, computer science and musical experiences with professional artists in addition to academic enrichment.
Strong home-school connections are the hallmark of The Douglaston School. Many of our students’ parents, grandparents, and great grandparents were former students and continue to support this treasured school, staff and children. The Douglaston School is proud to be the center of a community where families are committed to maintaining a strong learning environment.