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Kristy Chan, Principal

Diana Gautier, Assistant Principal
PS 98Q - The Douglaston School

A National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence
"Today we lead our students, tomorrow our students will lead the world."

Our Book of the Month is selected to remind the community of the values and ideals we embrace. Our Book of the Month Team design grade appropriate higher order thinking questions to promote student thinking, create opportunities to utilize Thinking Maps, and also increase academic vocabulary knowledge. The family community also receives an information guide on the book with questions that can be asked at home to further the conversation, the learning and the understanding for each of our Book of the Month.
Past Books of the Month
Alma and How She Got her Name by Juana Martinez-Neal
Those Shoes by Maribeth Boelts
Ordinary Mary’s Extraordinary Deed by Emily Pearson
Alice and Greta by Steven J. Simmons
Chocolate Milk, Por Favor by Maria Dismondy

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