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P.S.98Q Student Council

student council clipart

Student Council Purpose


The Student Council is a student run government consisting of elected officers from Grade 5 and representatives from each class in Grades 2-5.  The council meets to discuss and plan ways to improve the school community. The Student Council is advised by two teachers who arrange meetings regularly and help students learn how to function as a real governing body.


Examples of items for discussion include, but are not limited to:


  • Planning of special days and/or events  for the school

  • Promotion of school spirit

  • Consideration of fundraising events for students

  • Other issues and ideas as raised by school administration and staff that could involve student body


Nomination Process

Addressed in previous memo


Campaign Process


Upon selection of candidates and their running slate, the “parties” do the following:


  • Determine the “focus” issues of each parties’ campaign

  • Select a party name in line with the focus issues

  • Work with party through Campaign Manager to solicit ideas for campaigning, ie: posters, flyers, videos, campaign trinkets, class visits/town halls

  • Select “worker teams” from party to arrange and/or create campaign functions and items (no candy, gum, T-shirts or expensive items allowed)

    No more than $50 to be spent on items for distribution by any team

  • Campaign throughout the school;

    Put up posters (2-3 only), distribute flyers etc.

    Visit classrooms to introduce themselves and the running team and to propose their parties’ ideas

    Provide video commercials if available for each classroom to view

  • Culminate in a “debate” style presentation for 2nd to 5th grades prior to election

    Speeches given by President and Vice-President candidates only (no more than 1 minute in length)

    Allow for questions by panel members (optional)




Election will be held same day as debate presentation, supervised by school staff.

Ballots will be counted by school staff and student representatives.


Duties of Officers


President: Plan and conduct meetings, appoint committee chairs and members, maintain order, solicit input of representatives, work                          closely with advisers, execute ideas

Vice-President: Assistant to the President, run meetings in President’s absence, head committees  as assigned, help execute ideas

Secretary: Take attendance at, and minutes of, meetings; report meeting activity to all on the council

Treasurer: Keep track of student council funds, consult with advisers on funding and finances for the council


Election Day Ceremony


Post-election - an Inaugural Ball will be held on a designated date



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