Kristy Chan, Principal

Diana Gautier, Assistant Principal
PS 98Q - The Douglaston School

A National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence
"Today we lead our students, tomorrow our students will lead the world."
Playground Renovation Project

We are pleased to announce that PS 98 has received funding from Queens BP Donovan Richards and CM Paul Vallone and has been selected for a playground renovation by The Trust for Public Land’s NYC Playgrounds Program. This Winter 2021, the Trust for Public Land are working with PS 98 students, staff, and parents to design a new school and community playground on our schoolyard.
Established in 1972, The Trust for Public Land (TPL) is a nonprofit organization that creates parks and protects land for people, ensuring healthy, livable communities for generations to come. TPL’s NYC Playgrounds Program has created more than 215 vibrant community playgrounds in NYC over the past 20 years. TPL works to ensure that every person in every city lives within a 10-minute walk to a quality park or playground.
One of the unique features of the NYC Playgrounds Program is that students, parents and community members are at the heart of designing the new schoolyard. Previous schoolyards have included artificial turf fields, running tracks, basketball courts, game tables and benches, trees, shade structures, learning gardens, playground equipment, drinking fountains and murals. In addition, the renovation of these playgrounds will allow for increased storm water infiltration and help in the citywide effort to keep NYC waterways clean.