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Lost and Found

Please come check the two bins in the Main Office for any lost jackets, vests, sweaters, sweatshirts, water bottles, and lunch boxes.  If you have not done so, please put your child's name on their belongings so they can be returned.  Thank you.

Save the Date!! Kindergarten Open House - Friday, January 5, 2024 at 9:30am




Saturday, December 9 - Winter Festival - Douglaston Plaza - 12:00-4:00 pm 

Monday, December 11 - First Grade class trip

Tuesday, December 12 - Test Sophistication Grade 3 ELA and Grade 4 Math 7:20-8:20 am; Stock Market AS 2:40-4:00 pm and Safety Meeting (Open to the Public) 2:45 pm

Wednesday, December 13 - Test Sophistication Grade 3 Math and Grades 4 and 5 ELA 7:20-8:20 am; Annual Toy Drive ends; Chorus AS 2:40-3:40 pm

Thursday, December 14 - Test Sophistication Grade 5 Math; Report cards released via NYCSA (NYC Schools Account); Broadway Musical AS 2:40-5:00 pm

Friday, December 15 - Test Sophistication Grade 5 Math; Kindergarten Class trip; Spirit Day (wear school colors or spirit wear)


Letter from Superintendent Danielle Giunta

Please feel free to add a congratulatory message to the padlet by December 13th.


How to Sign in for Remote Instruction Parent Workshop Presentation


PS 98 Ambassadors

On behalf of our Ambassadors, thank you again for your food donations. Due to your support, we donated 600 lbs. of food.  They are now immersed in the Toy Drive being run by Assemblyman Braunstein to help needy and hospitalized children.  Thank you for donations already brought in.  Your generosity is truly appreciated.  The deadline is December 13th.


Safety Meeting (Open to the Public) - Tuesday, December 12 - 2:45 pm (link to join below)

Microsoft Teams meeting

Join on your computer, mobile app or room device

Meeting ID: 285 308 335 367 

Passcode: GB79pK 

School Schedule and Procedures

school leadership team clipart

CLICK icon for more information and SLT meeting dates

school safety clipart

CLICK icon for more information and Safety meeting dates

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